Saturday, March 3, 2012

How many times sim changed in a mobile phone?

Recently i got a second hand cell phone nokia 6630. i keep it as backup phone with an extra sim card i had. Now a days when some calls its switched off. even i tried, answer is the same.. i use to keep this mobile at home when i go office...i just want to check any of my room mates are using thier sim card in this mobile..after switching the mobile off..i have two of my room mates with out a mobile their any code to retrive sim history..or how many sim cards used in my phone..

please help..How many times sim changed in a mobile phone?
The best way to find is before u leave the room, set the time %26amp; date in ur mobile.. Then call to some number, when u come back check the dialled numbers in ur mobile, if ur room mates remove the sim the call register will be empty... if not the dialled numbers will be displayed...

i hope its the best way... you dont need any software or code...
If you don't want your roommates using your phone, keep it locked up in a box or lock the door to your room.How many times sim changed in a mobile phone?
I don't think it has retrive sim history.
that is no more limitations that is based up on ur hope to changed simHow many times sim changed in a mobile phone?
Use lock code for ur Mobile

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